
Gasta Design Gasta Design

Film in job advertisements?

Are you advertising a position? Then video could be the way to go. Take a look at two examples of projects where video has produced good results.

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Gasta Design Gasta Design

What is a visual identity?

It's a little strange how people associate certain colors and symbols with a brand. But that's precisely the magic of a visual identity.

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Gasta Design Gasta Design

Are you ready for autumn?

August is here, and it's time to look ahead and plan your marketing for the fall. Here are some tips on what you should prioritize.

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Gasta Design Gasta Design

New crush team in Gasta

We haven't just added one or two, but THREE new ladies to Gasta. It will be an exciting fall.

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Gasta Design Gasta Design

Lindstrøm Hotel - where new and old history meet

The corona year robbed us of all our foreign customers. In order to reach the Norwegian market, there has been a strong need for renewal. We have developed a visual identity, logo and new website. See the result!

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Gasta Design Gasta Design

Tips and trends in 2021

The global pandemic had an impact on the vast majority of businesses. Perhaps some of these tips can make you better prepared for 2021?

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