Image editing in Squarespace
A few tips & tricks to help you work better with photos in Squarespace.
New in Squarespace: Email Campaigns newsletter
A newsletter system integrated into the publishing tool makes it easier to communicate with customers and others.
Café Rallaren - new website based on Squarespace and booking system
Café Rallaren has a new website and a new booking system for bike rental.
New websites? Think simple - think Squarespace
It's simply a brilliant tool, both for us as developers and designers - and for you as a user.
Logo, graphic profile and website for new science center
A new science center is under development. The center has been named ViteMeir and we have developed a graphic profile and website.
Flåmsbrygga hotel has a new website
Check out the stylish website we have created for Flåmsbrygga hotel in Flåm. With advanced integration with the booking system.
New website for Nor Tekstil
Norway's largest supplier of textile services, Nor Tekstil, has upgraded its website in connection with the opening of a new customer center.
How to find the right keywords to focus on
Word choice makes a big difference in how easily people find you. That's why you first need to find out which keywords are important to you. Below you'll find this guide to help you along the way.
How to use keywords in a good way
Once you've chosen the right keywords for your website, it's important to use them wisely. Here we have listed some tips on how to use keywords in a good way.
New website for Maritim Forening
New strategy resulted in the need for a new website. Maritim Forening Sogn og Fjordane chose Gasta and Squarespace.
15 mountain authorities have launched new websites
"Very happy with Gasta.." - says customer.
Squarespace + Google Search Console
A new, unique solution for Squarespace users who are keen to succeed with search engine optimization.
Are you ready for GDPR?
The date for the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is May 25 in the EU. Norway has said that GDPR will come into force from July.
Together for people in work
Even though Sogneprodukt as is the best in the country at disability training, it was time for a new website!
Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the Mountain Sports Festival
The mountain sports festival invested in Gasta and Squarespace to create new websites for its anniversary festival.
New website for Brødrene Aa
Check out the gorgeous new website for the industrial adventure Brødrene Aa in Hyen.