Are you ready for GDPR?
The date for the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is May 25 in the EU. Norway has said that GDPR will come into force from July.
Time is running out, and there is no reason to postpone this!
We at Gasta are not lawyers, but we know that the following measures are necessary:
Five GDPR adaptations you need to make
Identify what personal data you actually need to store.
Map what personal data and organize it in an orderly manner. Delete unnecessary data.
Organize personal data so that it is easy to delete if a person requests it.
Communicate privacy in a simple and understandable way.
You can do this by creating a simple privacy policy on the website. Here you clearly explain why you store personal data, and how long personal data is stored.Review how you ask for consent from users, and how this is stored and documented (see more under Newsletter).
Privacy policy on the website
We have updated our privacy policy on the website.
This may work as a template for you, and you are welcome to copy from our statement.
(We emphasize again that we have no legal responsibility here, you must take that:-)
If you are unsure what applies to you, we can help you review your situation and create a privacy policy.
Contact Vidar, Simon or Frode.
News letter
For those of you who have MailChimp, you must take into account the new GDPR laws. In our opinion, GDPR gives you the right to send out newsletters to your customers under the legitimate interests provision. But it must be relevant product information about products they have purchased from you.
For all other lists, you must be able to show that the customer has agreed to receive emails from you. Mailchimp stores such acceptances. See Mailchimp's information about GDPR. If you have a newsletter subscription on your website, you will probably need to adjust this to the new GDPR laws.
Contact Vidar, Simon or Frode.