How do your competitors work with SEO?


Knowing what keywords your competitors are working with is something you can benefit from. Here's how you go about it:

Search engine optimization (SEO) is about being visible in the search engines so that your target group finds you rather than your competitors. This means that you should regularly analyze your competitors to find out what keywords they work with. This can be useful to see:

  • How do you rank against your competitors?

  • What are your competitors doing?

  • Do they buy other keywords?

  • Are your competitors making changes online that affect you?

Ensure you don't fall behind in search results

Search engine algorithms and SEO practices are always evolving. By keeping an eye on your competitors' activities, you'll be able to see changes and keep up more easily. This is crucial to ensure that you don't fall behind in the search results and can maintain (or improve) your position.

For example, if a competitor starts to rank higher than you on important keywords, it may be a sign that you need to update and improve your own SEO strategy.

Another reason to keep an eye on what your competitors are doing is that by analyzing their SEO strategies, you can discover opportunities in the market that you may not have noticed before. For example, you can find keywords that your competitors are ranking high on, but that you yourself have not focused on. This can help you expand your keyword list and optimize your content for new and relevant searches.

Read also: How Ålhytta became visible on new, important keywords

Where should you start?

SEO is not a small or simple field, and there is no set way of working. It must be adapted to the needs of your business.

But as a start, we've put together an SEO package to help you figure out how you should work with SEO in your business. In this package, we also perform a competitor analysis for you, where we use tools to analyze search results (SERP) for relevant keywords, so you don't have to do this work yourself.

The package gives you a basis for your Squarespace pages to rank well on keywords you care about, provides good input for your own strategy and makes you more competitive.

Read more about SEOstart and take the first step towards better online visibility.

Ellen Emilie Stangeland

Ellen is a digital marketer at Gasta design & communication. She works a lot with Squarespace and SEO. She likes to keep up to date with the latest news from Squarespace and other technology.


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