Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Gasta

Simon, Vidar, Ragnhild, Astri, Ingvild, Frode and Hilde after a fantastic Christmas dinner at Ægir Bryggeripub.

We're delighted to have reached 10 million in sales this year, because times are not easy in our industry either.

It's been a tougher autumn than we're used to. But with a solid customer base that wants to work with us, we have a great foundation for creating growth together. We are at the mercy of a fantastic tool - Squarespace - that is constantly improving and making it easier for you to become good at digital communication. 

We will do what we can to create growth for you as a customer also in 2024, it is in times of recession that you can position yourself well in the market. 

It's all about being creative. Design, videos, storytelling, technical solutions - there's a lot you can do well without going overboard.

And it's about being solution-oriented and efficient - two of our values at Gasta.

First, we take our Christmas vacation with a clear conscience and hope you do the same! The office will be closed during the Christmas holidays, but we are never far away if you need us: 57 62 77 70 or

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Gasta. On January 2, we're ready to hit the gas again!

Astri Knudsen

Astri is a content producer and day-to-day manager of Gasta design and communication. She is keen to find the good stories and give you targeted content.


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