The Aa Brothers

A Norwegian industrial adventure with a focus on carbon fiber and the environment.

In the autumn of 2024, we launched a new website and adjusted profile for Brødrene Aa, a real "makeover". The design was modernized, simplified and tightened up.

We've been working on the brand and visual identity for successful Brødrene Aa for many years. In 2013, the boat builder, with over 130 employees, adopted a strategy of focusing on carbon fiber boats and we developed a graphic profile in line with the new strategy.

We have also developed brochures and other materials to build the brand.

The Aa brothers are keen to show what boats they have developed and delivered. On the website, we have set up a section for Deliveries, where they can easily post key information about the boat, pictures and drawings - then it comes out in a clean and clear template.

They also want to tell more about the projects and the boats in operation, in addition to needing help with press releases at regular intervals. We are constantly working to advise and produce content for their channels. Social media activity is good, with the help of regular reports and status meetings. See the content we have produced

Gasta Design

We create profitable websites based on Squarespace, and are happy to develop your visual identity or help you with digital marketing.

