New: Expand functionality in the Asset Library
We welcome improvements to the image library feature in Squarespace.
In September 2022, Squarespace launched a long-awaited feature, Asset Library. Here you get a complete overview of images and videos uploaded to your website.
At the same time, they announced that there would be more features in the future. And now the first ones are here!
Uploading images
In the past, images and videos had to be uploaded to a subpage on the website in order to be stored in Squarespace. This is no longer the case. Now you can upload images directly to the media library and they will be stored there. Then it's easy to find them again when you need to create subpages or articles later.
If you go into the Asset Library from the main menu, you will now see a new button with "+ Add new" in the top right corner. Click here to select "Upload files", which opens a window with files on your machine.
If you want to upload multiple files or videos at the same time, simply select all your files before clicking to upload.
These may not be revolutionary changes - but we're all for anything that makes website life easier and more user-friendly!