From idea to web: How Sogn Næring uses Squarespace

Bård Basberg is a consultant at Sogn Næring, where he works with many different Squaresapce sites.

For every project Sogn Næring takes on, there are new partners. So they are dependent on giving the project its own profile and landing page.

Sogn Næring, the business company of Sogndal municipality, has at least eight websites in Squarespace, maybe more. Bård Basberg is not entirely sure. The consultant at Sogn Næring is involved in many projects in the region. Projects that often extend over time, but which need a website early in the phase to present the goals of the project and who is involved.  

 - I'm glad we use Squarespace as a tool. It's perhaps the simplest tool for getting a project up and running quickly. We can create a simple landing page and explain what the project is about. Then we can build on the website as the project progresses.

In recent months, Sogn Næring, together with us at Gasta, has set up its own websites for the Styrekandidat Vest and Sogn Biohub projects. Logo, colors and a simple website. All done in just a few days in total working time.

Get your own identity

Basberg shows how easy it is to work in Squarespace.

The projects Sogn Næring is part of often have many partners and owners. This means that Sogn Næring's logo and identity cannot front the project. They need their own identity.

- Then it's great to work with Gasta. Time is often limited, so sending an order and knowing that we will receive a complete package is safe and efficient. Creating the visuals requires expertise and experience.

- Once your profile and logo have been created, you have a good basis for creating a great website. Gasta has helped us to set up the framework and overall design - then we do the rest.

Happy with version 7.1

Basberg is now well versed in Squarespace, and is very happy with the latest version. Among other things, he can use saved sections that make working even faster. 

- It's surprisingly effective. For example, if I set up a block with "sign up for newsletters", I can copy the entire section and retrieve it in another place. In addition, this version allows me to edit the mobile view in a simple way. Then you get it just the way you want it.

Do you have a project that requires your own website? We are happy to help you.


Here you can see the logo and website of Sogn Biohub and Styrekandidat Vest:


Another good example of project pages is Grøn Region Vestland, a project by Vestland County Council and Innovation Norway (of which Sogn Biohub is a part):

Astri Knudsen

Astri is a content producer and day-to-day manager of Gasta design and communication. She is keen to find the good stories and give you targeted content.


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