Festival fever in Sogndal
Both Fjørarock and Balestrand Badeklubb Festival took place this weekend, and on September 8-9, Stooka Festival - with its pink, fresh design - is on the agenda!
Stooka Festival is organized by Sogndal Fotball, Studentspretten and Studenthuset Meieriet, and this year's headliners include Ylvis, Tyyl! and Hkeem. We at Gasta are happy to help develop the logo, design and website (in Squarespace, of course).
The festival started last year, and we set up a nice and functional website with a clean design. This year, all we had to do was change the main color, dates and artists.
- I'm so pleased that we did a thorough job of establishing a good foundation for communication last year. This year, it has been much easier to get started with marketing. And I've received a lot of feedback that we're very visible this year with this pink color," says Martin Hammar, project manager for the festival.
NB! This is not the only festival we work closely with - feel free to check out the websites of Norsk Countrytreff, the Førde Festival and Målrock!