Practical information
User account
Log in to your account
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User account
If this is your first time logging in to Squarespace, the recipe is as follows:
Gasta register as a user of Squarspace
You will then receive an email from Squarespace
Click"Accept invitation" in the email
Create a new user via the button under the login field
('Make a Squarespace account')Enter your name and email address and choose a password.
You can use this login information on all pages where you are an administrator.Press"Create Login"
You go directly to the page
Log in to your account
Type "/config" in your browser behind the URl to your website
Enter your username and password (If you have forgotten your password, press "forgotten password" and check your e-mail)
Click on the arrow in the top left corner to go to navigation
Log out
Go to main menu
Tap on logo
Click on 'Logout'