Røldal Ski Centre
Røldal Ski Center is considered one of the best areas in Norway for free skiing, with lots of snow and long seasons.
Røldal Ski Center wanted a clear website with a modern design. They needed a publishing tool that was easy to work with, so that they could quickly and easily publish updated information. Squarespace was a safe choice.
This is one of the most snow-sure ski resorts in Norway. We have integrated a live webcam and snow report on our website so that visitors can check the snow conditions before arrival.
"After some quick online searches, when we had decided to create a new website, we contacted Gasta Design. It was a very simple process. A phone meeting about what and how we thought the most important message was, and we were off and running :) After a couple of weeks, they delivered a "demo site" and we could test, see and give feedback. A couple more weeks, then training was given and we were online with a new site :)) In short: Good prices, fast delivery, easy training, clean and nice design and good customer service."
Oddvar Bratteteig, General Manager Røldal Skisenter